City of Auburn

Yard Waste

Residential Yard Waste Collections Starts April 1st
Yard waste recycling helps divert waste from landfills, provides communities and businesses an inexpensive source of compost and other fertilizer products, and offers a low-cost and convenient way to dispose of grass, leaves, tree limbs and other yard waste. Waste Management partners with many communities throughout the United States and Canada to provide yard waste/yard waste services to private homes.

Yard Waste IS: Grass Clippings, Leaves, Shrubs & Brush Trimmings (under 4 inches in diameter).

Yard Waste DOES NOT include: sod, pet waste, branches over 4 inches in diameter, dirt, rocks, trash, root balls.

Place yard waste at the curb, Ten (10) feet from your rubbish in the following manner:

1. Place yard waste in 20 – 32 gallon cans CLEARLY MARKED “ YARD WASTE”.

2. Place yard waste in designated brown paper bio-degradable yard waste bags weighing less than 35 pounds each. DO NOT use paper grocery bags or boxes. 

3. Bundle brush and branches that are 4 inches in diameter or less in 3 -4 foot long bundles tied with string. Please insure bundles are no larger than 18 inches around.

4. Yard waste is picked up along with your regular trash on Wednesday.