City of Auburn

Yard Waste Collection

Yard waste recycling helps divert waste from landfills, provides communities and businesses an inexpensive source of compost and other fertilizer products, and offers a convenient way to dispose of grass, leaves, tree limbs and other yard waste. Waste Management partners with many communities throughout the United States and Canada to provide yard waste/yard waste services to private homes.

Yard Waste Is: Grass Clippings, Leaves, Shrubs & Brush Trimmings (under 4 inches in diameter).

Yard Waste DOES NOT include: sod, pet waste, branches over 4 inches in diameter, dirt, rocks, trash, root balls.

Place yard waste at the curb, Ten (10) feet from your rubbish in the following manner:
1. Place yard waste in 20 – 32 gallon cans CLEARLY MARKED “ YARD WASTE”.
2. Place yard waste in designated paper yard waste bags. DO NOT use paper grocery bags or boxes.
3. Bundle brush and branches that are 4 inches in diameter or less in 3 -4 foot long bundles tied with string. Please insure bundles are no larger than 18 inches around.