City of Auburn


Street Sweeping

The street department normally completes three (3) to four (4) street sweeping cycles on fall city streets annually. In addition, City crews sweep streets in preparation of special events, roadway spills and debris resulting from vehicular accidents. 

Snow and Ice Removal

The City of Auburn snow and ice control efforts are intended to make your winter driving experience as safe as possible in order for all of us to access places of employment and emergency services. The success of our community’s effort to cope with winter weather events depends on how well government, citzens and news media work together. When it snows, residents are encouraged to listen for media broadcasts announcing special snow clearance plans.

City Roadways

The City’s Street Department is responsible for maintaining approximately 12 miles of roadway within the City limits.

When Does the City Begin Snow & Ice Removal?

As soon as snow or ice conditions develop, City crews will begin salting within the City limits. Snow plowing operations are put into place when snow accumulations of 2″ or more develop.

Street Parking

Please refrain from parking on City streets whenever snowfall conditions require that residential streets be plowed. Parked cars can cause delays in plowing “your” street.

If a disabled vehicle remains on a City street for more than 48 hours, the vehicle may be towed. The vehicle owner will be responsible for all fees that are incurred. 

Sidewalk Snow
Property owners are responsible for keeping sidewalks clear of snow and ice within 24 hours after a snowfall. Look at snow removal as a community building kind of project, you may greet a neighbor that you haven’t seen all winter when your out shoveling and snow blowing and that alone builds harmony in a neighborhood. Your mail delivery person will really appreciate it when the area around your the mailboxes are clear so that mail can be delivered vehicle side or if they have to walk to the box. If the area around your mailbox is obstructed and they can’t reach the box, your mail may not be delivered. If you have a fire hydrant in your out lawn, please consider clearing around it so that incase of a fire the fire department can easily see it and attach to it.

Keep the neighbors in mind when you start that snow blower at 6 am. Does it really need to be fired up that early? Sometimes it is necessary, sometimes it’s not. Please think about your neighbors and evaluate your situation.
When people are alone, or on vacation, serving in the military and just not as able bodied as they once were we can do them a favor by removing their snow. While the City of Auburn does not have an ordinance requiring you to clear off your sidewalks, the golden rule applies here and it is most appreciated.

Make sure and return all snow removing tools that you borrowed or ” stole” from your neighbors.
Compassionate snow removal is more about everyone surviving the winter and developing our citizenship.

Please do not deposit snow upon any public property including streets.


Due to snowplowing, a residual amount of snow will be deposited into every driveway and onto sidewalks. This may occur repeatedly throughout the day depending on the severity of the storm. It is the responsibility of the resident to clear their driveway. The City recommends shoveling or blowing the snow back behind the curbing or asphalt and away from the driveway entrance. This will prevent excessive snow buildup from occurring.

Fire Hydrants

The fire hydrants are maintained by City crews; however, the City does encourage area residents to help clear snow from hydrants within their neighborhood.

Helpful Hints

Shoveling snow from sidewalks and your drive onto City streets will cause the residual snow to be re-plowed back on your sidewalk and drive. Instead shovel or blow the snow back behind the curb. Do not deposit snow upon any public property, including streets and sidewalks.

For Additional Information & Emergency Situations

For weather conditions, special weather bulletins, road conditions and other general information, tune to the local radio or TV stations. 

City snow removal or freezing/thawing problems call: 989-662-6761.

Fire, Police, Emergencies or Ambulance call: 911  

Street Lights

Street lighting repairs are made by Consumers Energy Company.

Call 1-800-477-5050 or report online at: and click on Report an Outage, then Streetlight Outage and Status to reach the Outage Center.

Street Repairs

The City crews are routinely assigned street maintenance duties filling potholes, pavement repairs, crack sealing etc. To report street pavement concerns, potholes and/or other hazardous street pavement conditions, please call City Hall at 989-662-6761.