The best source of information to learn how and where to recycle or dispose of the following materials is the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality website, found at Once at the site, click on “Waste” for information and links to desired information.
Another great resource for information about recycling in Bay County is from the Environmental Affairs & Community Development website, found at
In accordance with the Michigan Solid Waste Management Act the following materials are prohibited from landfill disposal and shall not be placed in your trash.
(a) Medical waste, unless that medical waste has been decontaminated or is not required to be decontaminated but is packaged in the manner required under part 138 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.13801 to 333.13831.
(b) Beverage containers. (Applies to all containers that require a 10 cent deposit)
(c) Whole motor vehicle tires.
(d) Yard clippings, Leaves, grass clippings, garden debris, and shrubbery, brush and tree trimmings less than 4 feet in length and 2 inches in diameter, unless they are diseased, infested, or composed of invasive species as authorized by section 11521(1)(i).
(e) Used oil as defined in section 16701.
(f) Lead acid batteries (primarily truck and car batteries) as defined in section 17101.
(g) Low-level radioactive waste as defined in section 2 of the low-level radioactive waste authority act, 1987 PA 204, MCL 333.26202.
(h) Regulated hazardous waste as defined in R 299.4104 of the Michigan administrative code.
(i) Bulk or noncontainerized liquid waste as prohibited by R 299.4432(2)(c) of the Michigan administrative code.
(j) Sewage.
(k) PCBs as defined in 40 CFR 761.3.
(l) Asbestos waste, unless the landfill complies with 40 CFR section 761.3.
(m) Empty drums. Drums must be either full of solid waste or be crushed in order to be disposed of in a solid waste landfill.
The information shown above has been provided as required by Michigan state law.