City of Auburn

City Treasurer

Contact Information

City Treasurer: Judy Volk

Office Located at:
113 E. Elm
Auburn, MI 48611

Office:  (989) 662-6761
Fax:      (989) 662-0240

Office Hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

The City Treasurer performs all treasurer duties required by federal, state and local laws, the City Charter and the City Commission.

Other Duties
  • Serves as custodian of all monies, bonds and other securities of the City and investing as set forth in the City Investment Policy.
  • Prepare accounts payable and receivable transactions and tax reports as required.
  • Process and maintain payroll, payroll deductions, payroll records and reports.
  • Receive all public funds and monies payable to the City (including all taxes, licenses, fines, utility payments, special assessments, etc.) and deposit said money in the appropriate bank accounts. 
  • Collects real and personal property taxes as warranted by the Assessor and disperses such funds to the appropriate government entities.
  • Other duties that may be required or assigned as necessary.

Forms & Additional Resources

When are taxes due?

Summer taxes are due September 14th and Winter Taxes are due February 14th.

What happens if I can't pay my taxes on time?

Penalty and Interest will be added to all taxes not paid on time. The penalty is 4% and is applicable on the first day after the due date. The Interest is .5% and is applicable on the first day after the due date and on the 1st of each month after until paid in full. Unpaid taxes as of March 1st, are deemed “delinquent” and are turned over to the Bay County Treasurers office for collection. Additional penalty and interest may apply.

Where do I pay my tax bill?

Tax bills may be paid by mail, via the City payment drop box located in the center of the parking lot at City Hall (no cash to be left in drop box), or by stopping in to City Hall, Monday – Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. 

What forms of payment are accepted by the City Treasurer's Office?

ONLY cash, checks and money orders are accepted at City Hall; credit/debit cards are accepted online in the payment center. There are additional convenience fees to be aware of when paying online.

Are partial payments accepted on tax bills?

Yes, partial payments are accepted. Payments of any amount may be made.

Can I get an extension?

If you qualify, you can submit a request to defer your summer taxes ONLY. The Application for Deferment of Summer Taxes can be found on the Tax Information page. The form must be filed by September 15th. All taxes must be paid by February 14th to avoid penalty and interest.

I did not receive a tax bill, why am I being penalized?

According to § 211.44 (2) of the General Property Tax Act … “Failure to send or receive the notice does not prejudice the right to collect or enforce the payment of the tax.” It is the taxpayer’s responsibility to pay a taxes each year. Taxes are sent out for July 1st and December 1st. Taxes are also posted to through the City of Auburn for you to view anytime after they are issued.