City of Auburn

City Commission

The City Commission is composed of six (6) members elected at large on a city-wide basis for four year terms and the Mayor elected for two year terms. The Commission represents all the citizens of Auburn and has responsibility for setting all municipal policies not designated by City Charter or State Legislation. The City Commission sets policies through ordinances, resolutions and budget appropriations, and determines the local property tax millage rate. The City Administrator, who is appointed by the City Commission, oversees daily City services and programs.

The positions of Mayor and Commissioners are non-partisan and nominated by petition. Residents interested in running for elected office should contact the City Clerk to obtain a petition and filing deadline information

Auburn believes in being a welcoming environment for all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity or place of origin. This enhances Auburn’s way of life. We encourage the spirit of unity that brings people together.  

Auburn has long been recognized as a hospitable and welcoming place where people’s families thrive and are celebrated and valued. Auburn is committed to continue building a welcoming and neighborly atmosphere in our community, where all are welcome, and accepted. 

Auburn encourages all who call it home, to make Auburn a welcoming place for all.

Send us your comments or concerns.

Public Meetings

As voted in the December 11, 2017 City Commission Meeting, Meetings will be held the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. (unless a holiday falls on the regular meeting date). Meeting changes and Special Meetings are posted to the bulletin board outside of the main entrance at City Hall and when feasible are added to the homepage of the City webpage at

City Commission minutes will be available within 3-5 business days after the meeting. They will be posted on our website under City Commission Agenda’s and Meeting Minutes (find below) as UNOFFICIAL or you may contact the City Clerk for a copy.

Meetings are held at City Hall, 113 E. Elm Street beginning at 7:00 pm.

2025 Annual Meeting Schedule and Holidays

Forms & Resources

The City tries very diligently to make sure the Agenda and Minutes are posted online for the convenience of our residents. However, sometimes they may not be uploaded on the website before or directly after the meeting.

If you would like to obtain the Agenda before the City Commission meeting please contact City Hall at 989-662-6761 or email the City Clerk at 

Charter of the City of Auburn

City Commission Agenda’s and Meeting Minutes

Application for City Boards and Commissions (submit to the City Clerk)

City Audits (Dept. of Treasury Search Site)


Ken Charbonneau

Additional Appointments: 
Auburn-Williams Recreation Board
Term Expires: November 2028

Ryan Putt

Additional Appointments:
Planning and Zoning Board Member
Term Expires: November 2026

Alyson McCloy

Additional Appointments:

Sargent of Arms

Term Expires: November 2028

Steven Smith

Additional Appointments: Township Code Authority
Term Expires: November 2026


Michael Buchmann

Additional Appointments: 

Mayor Pro Tem

Term Expires: November 2028

Dalton Natke

Addtional Appointments: 

Fire Board

Term Expires: November 2026